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Defiant US Service Members Speak Out Against The War

Defiant US Service Members Speak Out Against The War

Military Members Speak out Against War

Associated Press | January 16, 2007

NORFOLK, Virginia - Military members opposed to the U.S. involvement in Iraq gathered Monday to demand the withdrawal of American troops and prepared to present their appeal to Congress.

More than 20 active-duty service members and about 100 supporters appeared at an event for Appeal for Redress, which calls for Congress to end the war. More than 1,000 military members have added their names to the appeal's list, which will be given to Congress on Tuesday.

A speech by the Rev. Martin Luther King Jr., in which he asked his followers to speak out against the Vietnam War, was read Monday in what organizers called an attempt to illustrate parallels between that conflict and the Iraq war. Monday was the anniversary of King's birthday.

Seaman Jonathan Hutto and Marine Sgt. Liam M. Madden started Appeal for Redress last year.

Under the military whistle-blower protection act, military members can send appeals to members of Congress without reprisal.

"We're trying to get as many appeals to Washington as possible to influence and give great weight to the dialogue" about the war, Hutto said.

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