All Donations 100% Tax Deductible
511 West 165th Street, Unit 309
New York, New York, 10032
Federally Certified
as a 501(c) 3
Supportive Services
The Veterans Association of America, Inc. recongnizes the difficulty our service connected veterans are having with barriers to employment, housing, adequate food supplies for Temporary Assistance to Needy Families (TANF), homelessness and the ability to transition from military-to-civilian life smoothly. Because of this, we're collaborating with a range of social service providers that will quickly assist in reestablishing basic amenities.
Among the services are: The Approach, Placement, Case Management, & Advancement Services. These areas cover a wide latitude of assistance that help all veterans economically and socially sustain themselves and their families in their current status.
The Approach:
Our Job Readiness Program prepares veterans for specific jobs; in which curricula are geared toward hard and soft skills employers demand most often.
Candidates are assessed of their previous training backgrounds and put into career placement depending on skill set, experience, and overall expertise in that area of employment requested of the employer.
In many cases, communication, working with other colleagues, developing positive attitudes, and interviewing tips are key essentials in finding the right match in satisfying the veteran and employer collectively.
This ensures that our veterans have the competitive edge when competing with outside applicants. We eventually prepare veterans for interviews, match them with job openings tailored to their qualifications and arrange for interviews with potential employers.
The Veterans Association of America, Inc. provides Placement Services to veterans in which two key elements of our Incentive Work model are our excellent employer relationships and our intensive follow-up support.
Our seasoned sales representatives compete amongst each other to place veterans in well-suited jobs. Performance bonuses are awarded to those who consistently make placements that work and placements that last.
In some cases, veterans are placed at companies for up to a six month training period, called Incentive Work, wherein employers pay veterans an hourly wage which is subsidized by the VAA.
During this critical period, we provide hands-on training at no cost; this helps improve our retention rates by getting veterans off to a strong start.
However, not all veterans engage in Incentive Work; some go directly onto to a company's payroll in unsubsidized positions.
We look forward working with all local, state and federal authorities that seek to support our endeavors.
Case Management:
The Veterans Association of America, Inc. provides case management mentors by visiting assigned veterans and their supervisors at various site locations at non-working hours at least once a week to monitor attendance and personal improvements.
They act as an advocate, partner, mentor and supervisor by helping veterans confront professional and personal challenges of transitioning into the workforce. For example, they coach the veteran on workplace skills and appropriate behavior.
Advancement Services:
The Veterans Association of America, Inc. offers Advancement Services to all service members to take advantage of growth opportunities as the VAA continually encourages them to improve their work and interpersonal skills.
The majority of veterans in which we place are provided career growth and advancement in helping sustain viable work ethics to enhance individual responsibility for themselves and their families.
VAA case managers encourage participants to take advantage of training and educational opportunities available in their communities. By doing so, allows them to improve market value for future advancements and obtain salary increases. Historically, those programs included GED, ESL, college credits from military training, and vocational training.
We also provide extensive services for those with intellectual and developmental disabilities (IDD) by offering therapeutic consultation, mediation, and family interactive services (FIS) collectively.
We enroll veterans in an array of educational and training programs depending on their availability in the community.
We look forward working with various local, state, and federal authorities in helping the VAA meet financial expectations and initiatives collectively.
Veterans Association of America Inc